Monday, June 8, 2020

Analysis on Impact of Negative Stereotypes among Women - 2200 Words

Analysis on Impact of Negative Stereotypes among Women (Term Paper Sample) Content: Student Name:Professor:Course Code:Submission Date:Analysis on Impact of Negative Stereotypes among WomenIn a male dominated world, women have had to fight for their space since time in memorial. Women rights have been fought through thick and thin to ensure that gender equity is achieved. The male-dominated ideologies were propagated by male chauvinists in the early 1500's. The present society is faced with a myriad of challenges to balance between significant human rights and the minority rights. The female gender has long been perceived as weak and evidenced in the linguistic choice of words where he has been used to mean the male and female gender while she solely refers to the female. There is a notable shift in the stereotypic view of women since the advent of the internet and the rise of social media advertisements. Children are exposed to adult rated content at an early age because of the constant presence of the internet. Studies have shown that people active on the internet are highly likely to get exposed to pornographic content either through advertisements or adult websites. It is clear that the trend is fast moving to the younger generation because of available gadgets and uncontrolled access to information.Various organizations and platforms highlight the plight of women faced over the past years and one affecting the current generation of children and young women. Negative stereotypic behavior against women propagated by the society is well highlighted in Stephanie Hanes, Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect article and Deborah Tannens There is No Unmarked Woman. Stephanie Hanes article talks the current society where children and young girls have been turned into little women with the content they consume in the television screens and the internet. She bases on the experiences of Mary Finucane and her daughter Caoimhe when she started behaving in a queer manner to her normal interactions (Lansford,, 518 ). Normally, a five year old child explores everything that comes to ther interaction without taking a strong standing on a specific ideology. The daughter had encountered the Disney Princesses who were omnipresent and depicted the fairy tales heroines. Caoimhe changed her clothing style and stuck to dresses to behave as the princess. She constantly sat quietly saying that she waited for her prince. The TV series had affected Mary's daughter psychologically and sort help from another mother who shared a similar story on their children. Caoimhes identity has changed based on her interactions with the media (Lansford, 512). It influenced her to align her align her thinking as the Disney princesses in the real world and because of her young age, she could not differentiate between fiction and reality. The young children have been affected by their change in consumer behavior in line with current trends in technology. The uncontrolled access to content by children especially girls shifts their psychological mindset to a virtual reality world. It is apparent that early exposure to mature content without guidance on the dos and don'ts on children had a tremendous impact on the younger generation. The effect on the current generation of girls is a long term effect to the entire breed of women to come.Women in a male dominated world have no value and are regarded as second class citizens in some societies. There is No Unmarked Woman article tells of the writer's encounter with the society that does not value women and no space is left for them. She terms unmarked as things or happenings that can attribute to people without question, such as the general grooming of men where they tend to share the same characteristics. The marked term defines a behavior that looks queer among people and is not associated with the general view of a person or character (Tannen, 408). An example is how women are perceived in the society especially on the dressing. The article anal yzes three women in a conference room who have groomed differently. From the sociolinguistic perspective, the author seeks to know the dominance of he word and not she word and finds out that the word was introduced by English grammarians in the 1500's (Tannen, 414). The revelation illustrates the long journey that the struggle for women has been and continued efforts to achieve its goals. In the biological perspective, Ralph Fasold in his book The Sociolinguistics of Language argues that female gender is dominant as it is the foundation of life, he backs his evidence by saying that some few species only give birth to females and not vice versa. He justifies the reason men have breasts is that they were from a female body. The author documents the past experiences of female condemnation that continues in the current century. It connects with the major objective towards attaining gender balanced world and wins the long struggle of women rights. The importance of connecting the past with the present in regards to women rights is to draw constant motivation and appreciate the long journey that the women have been through. It assists us in celebrating the milestones achieved in regards to gender equality.The arguments read from the same scripts of gender inequality and an opportunity for exploitation of young girls and children using media avenues and advertisements. They have employed different structures of argumentation to convince the reader and voice out their concerns to the society. Little Girls or Little Women The Disney Princess Effect have used the classical oration effect to draw the audiences attention, such is seen in the use of a personal story of Mary and her daughter to describe the bigger picture in the story. Audiences tend to connect and relate with personal stories and is used to grab attention. The author recollects the arguments but giving space to opposing ideas, in the end, she draws conclusions based on the highlighted evidence in the art icle. She recommends the next course of action to take (Lansford, 519). It presents an opportunity for other women authors and gender activities to expound on the subject and cover it extensively. The Unmarked Woman article also employs some sense of classical oration from the choice of setting in a conference room to the perfect description of subjects who are the women and men in the room. It also capitalizes on the argument definition by using the terms marked and unmarked basing on her set definition. She also uses the Toulmin argument device by making claims and justifying it using the research-based evidence such as the coining of the word he to be dominant and the biological justification of the female sex as the dominant human being (Lansford, 514). The structures of arguments in both texts have been aligned to capture the relevant audience and pass the message accurately. The assimilation of different behaviors and adoption in the current society has led to the moral decay and consequences experienced by young girls. It depicts situations where it is a true reflection of the current society and its behavior towards women. The small nitty-gritties tend to hurt the most as they make the society comfortable with the male dominance and no action is taken against the root cause.The arguments presented in the articles are concurrent with the larger struggle for women rights as it highlights the challenges faced by the female gender. It depicts blatant discrimination and curtailing of basic rights of women whether in workplaces, societal perception, and other stereotypic elements. It shows a scenario where there is exploitation of women and the rise of hyper-sexualized society (Lansford, 122). It glares itself in the media industry where women are judged not based on the intellectual capacity but their outer beauty. They are then used as flower girls to please men and sell products in a society where women have no space. Women are seen as t ools to trade especially in advertisements and public domains. Past studies show that children in their teen stages have been exposed to adult rated content such that they behave like mature women. There is an increase in spending mature women clothes such as thong underwear among 7 to 12-year-olds (Lansford, 513). The change is attributed content consumed as girls perceive themselves as mature in a young age. Their brain development is affected as it is lured to believe that they should behave and act as older women. Different organizations are in the mission to make the environment safer and healthier for girls. The woman should be given space in leadership roles and sociolinguistic issues such as words that are biased should be revised to reflect the current form of society. The Unmarked Woman author approaches the arguments from a linguistic perspectives but drives to the same agenda of women. She is fighting for visibility of women in the society (Dolan, 89). She pays at tention to small details that in one way or another influence the societal perception on women. Gender activists have pushed through the agenda in different socioeconomic and political classes to achieve its relevance and their well-deserved space. It is clear that to win the war of gender parity, all the parties should be involved and enlightened on the importance of embracing the virtue. It requires a multidisciplinary approach to achieve the long term success of women equity.The articles have clearly analyzed all the problems facing the female gender; they have their own strengths and weaknesses. No Unmarked Woman article draws its strength from the critical analysis of the basic issues affecting woman that tend to be ignored by other scholars. Issues such as he or she is viewed by some p...